azw3 |eng | 2002-11-30 | Author:Murray, Andrew [Murray, Andrew]

—Chapter 13 — The Victorious Life We viewed chapter 7, ‘‘The More Abundant Life,’’ mainly from the side of our Lord Jesus. We saw that there is to be found ...
( Category: Prayer April 13,2015 )
azw3 |eng | 2002-05-31 | Author:Murray, Andrew [Murray, Andrew]

—Chapter 19 — Power for Prayer and Work I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even ...
( Category: Prayer March 5,2015 )
azw3 |eng | 2004-05-31 | Author:Murray, Andrew [Murray, Andrew]

Chapter 5 The Power of Persevering Prayer Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up….”Listen to what the unjust ...
( Category: Devotionals March 3,2015 )
azw3 |eng | 2003-03-31 | Author:Murray, Andrew [Murray, Andrew]

“In my name” is repeated five times in our text. Our Lord knew how slow our hearts would be to take it in, but He so longed that we would ...
( Category: Prayer March 3,2015 )
epub |eng | 2014-09-01 | Author:Morris, Father Jonathan [Morris, Father Jonathan]

What a great consolation to think that God is bringing good—right now, right this minute—out of the rubble of my life. There is nothing that is useless about my existence. ...
( Category: Self Help November 24,2014 )
mobi |eng | 2011-08-01 | Author:Arthur W. Pink

Chapter 5-The Fourth Petition "Give us this day our daily bread" Matthew 6:11 We turn our attention to those petitions that more immediately concern ourselves. The fact that our Lord ...
( Category: Prayer October 1,2014 )
mobi |eng | 2011-09-01 | Author:Arthur W. Pink

The Sixth Beatitude "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God" Matthew 5:8 This is another of the Beatitudes that has been grossly perverted by the enemies ...
( Category: Jesus, the Gospels & Acts October 1,2014 )
mobi |eng | 2007-04-03 | Author:Joyce Meyer

Both Andrew Murray and Watchman Nee write about intercession as a “priestly” function—as a believer’s opportunity to participate in Jesus’ ministry of praying for people. Watchman Nee says, “We stand ...
( Category: Prayer August 28,2014 )
mobi |eng | 2010-10-27 | Author:Dutch Sheets

1. What are the two opposite activities usually needed in intercession? Why are both necessary? Does the meaning and use of paga reinforce this? 2. Explain 2 Corinthians 2:11. How ...
( Category: Spiritual Growth August 28,2014 )
mobi |eng | 1996-01-02 | Author:Dutch Sheets

Against whom do we struggle? 5. How has spiritual warfare been a part of your prayer life? 6. Describe a time when you tried, with natural means, to address a ...
( Category: Prayer August 28,2014 )
mobi |eng | 2006-08-07 | Author:Dutch Sheets

Notes 1. Communicated to me by Israeli student Avi Mizrachi, at Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas. 2. Michael Ciani, "An Afternoon with Brennan," http://ccm (accessed ...
( Category: Prayer August 28,2014 )
epub |eng | | Author:Leanne Payne [Leanne Payne]

Cases Where Infantile Deprivation Is Not the Prime Factor I have seen cases where lesbian behavior is connected to a woman’s need to be set free from the effects of ...
( Category: LGBT March 26,2014 )
epub |eng | | Author:Arthur Wallis

13 With Words Understood WHEN we “pray with the mind,” as Paul expresses it, we must of necessity use words that we understand, even though the prayer may be inaudible. ...
( Category: Faith March 26,2014 )
epub |eng | | Author:Richard Smoley

SOPHIA TODAY Although the myth of Sophia casts a powerful light on the nature and destiny of consciousness, this light is a subtle one. Consequently, after the early centuries of ...
( Category: Ritual March 26,2014 )
epub, mobi |eng | 2012-11-13 | Author:Lamott, Anne [Lamott, Anne]

Gratitude begins in our hearts and then dovetails into behavior. It almost always makes you willing to be of service, which is where the joy resides. It means you are ...
( Category: Prayer March 26,2014 )